Rescue Me! Golden Retriever Golden Retriever Blog

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Success Stories:   Rescue Me! Golden Retriever Blog

1,349,560 animals have been adopted on Rescue Me!

Letters below were sent to founder Jeff Gold from people helped by Rescue Me!

Sender: Robert Setzer     Date: September 11, 2018 _
     Thank you Rescue Me for your help. We had a pair of golden retrievers both 10 years old and had to find a new home for them because we just couldn't give them the care they deserved any longer. We knew that it would be difficult to find a home for them because of their age plus we hoped to keep them together. In addition to that, one of the sisters was the runt of the litter. She is smaller than normal, but beautiful none-the-less. Considering all those negatives we felt that it would be almost impossible to find a home for them together. When we heard about Rescue Me we posted the dogs on your website, and much to our surprise we began getting emails and phone calls almost immediately. Happily, it wasn't long before a home for both of them together was found. Again, thank you so very much for your service and your caring.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Angel Martinez     Date: January 19, 2018 _
     The response I received for Buddy was overwhelming. From people wanting to adopt him to people suggesting rescue groups especially for Goldens, I didn't even know that existed! People from Washington to Kansas, it was hard for me to decide who would be the best family for Buddy. I finally decided a rescue group called Gold Ribbon Rescue would be the best option for Buddy because they screen families and their homes to make sure Buddy will be taken care. They just picked him up last night and I was extremely heart broken to let go of him, but I knew it was not about me but about Buddy and what was best for him. I trust they will find the perfect family for him and he will find the loving home he deserves, he will make a family real happy with his overflowing love and affection. Thank you Rescue Me! You guys are the guardian angels for these beautiful creatures. We would still be lost if it weren't for you.

Sender: Joyce Brackbill     Date: December 19, 2017 _
     I posted our foster dog yesterday and received numerous responses. She was adopted to a great family the very next day! Now she will live in the country with a retired couple and I am so happy for Raja! Thank you first to God and to Rescue Me for making this fall into place. I really appreciate it.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue

Sender: Coral Miller     Date: November 9, 2017 _
     We have had many responses of wonderful families wanting to adopt Savannah. We have one long distance family that is trying to arrange to come for her and one other adoptive family in the wings should that not work out. We had seven more families inquire about adopting her in just one day of posting. I posted this for a friend and am so thankful to have found Rescue Me. I shared it with my sister and my niece who may be adopting dogs in the future. I believe there is a great need for Rescue Me.

Sender: Ufuk Demirci     Date: September 13, 2017 _
     Thank you very much to the Rescue Me family. We rescued Gofret from the street. His family did not want him and let him go. I have four dogs, three of them were rescued. Gofret found a family in the United Kingdom. He will fly soon. Sandy helped with everything that he needs. Thank you Sandy and Rescue Me!

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Sender: Cyndi Caruso     Date: May 18, 2017 _
     We were looking for a young, purebred Golden Retriever to be a companion for our four year old Yellow Lab. My daughter found this post on your site, and called the very nice man who had Aslan. After many phone calls, texts, emails, etc., we drove almost four hours and brought him home yesterday! He is doing great! The Yellow Lab, Uno, loves him and they play very well together! They run in our backyard, and play tug of war and wear each other out! It needs to be said that his former owner absolutely adores Aslan and hated to have to give him up! However, he felt it would be best for Aslan to be in a home where he could run and play all day, and not be crated during the day, which was only when he was at work. We have been in constant communication with his former owner, and he's been terrific in helping us transition Alsan to his new home. My daughter sends him pictures, and videos and keeps him posted on Aslan's day. All I can say is this match is a complete and total GOD THING! Keep up the great work, Rescue Me!!

Sender: Rebecca Baldwin     Date: April 27, 2017 _
     What a great site, just found our puppy through Rescue Me. The people we got him from were absolutely wonderful, Bread for Life K-9 refuge.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Sarah Moore     Date: December 19, 2016 _
     I had my pup posted for about a week. In that time frame, several people contacted me from the posting on Rescue Me. We found her a forever home and I feel much better about having adopted her out on this site than I would have using Craigslist. This site made the whole process easy and I am grateful to have found a home for my pup.

Sender: Amy Mahoney     Date: August 16, 2016 _
     We have only just begun using your site, maybe two weeks? And we had three requests, and two adoptions! Thank you for being there! Rescue Me has allowed us to reach many more potential dog owners than just our site.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue

Sender: Lin Zhuo     Date: August 15, 2016 _
     Rescue Me is a great website!! It was really helpful, and the people are very nice.

Sender: Tom & Diana Quinn     Date: July 29, 2016 _
     Last Friday, my wife and I came across your Rescue Me for Golden retrievers. Our last Golden died about eight weeks ago. He was close to 15 years. His name was Goober and believe us when we say he was a very special dog, he will be missed by us and many other people. Well, we saw (on your website) a Golden named Rusty, who looked identical to Goober and had some of the same issues- very active. I sent an email Friday evening and called Saturday morning. We were invited over for a casual introduction to Rusty- we spent several hours with him and even took him for a ride since we do a lot of travel in an RV. Rusty was great, and we decided then he was meant for us. YGRR arranged to do a house visit on Sunday morning. We live out in the country on a small lake, a perfect home for Rusty. We have now had him for six days and he is a great animal. I can assure you neither my wife nor I would send him back- we are his new home. He goes for a four-mile walk each morning and probably goes swimming for a couple of hours during the day. Believe me, when I tell you he sleeps all night! He wants and gets lots of attention. We are both retired so we have the time. He already is well behaved, but will go to obedience school starting next week. He has definitely taken to my wife, she is his Alpha. We have nothing but praise for the time and effort the workers at the YGRR put in making our adoption work for us and them. They did a great job! Thank you Rusty, Diana and Tom!

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Sender: Sid Holden     Date: July 15, 2016 _
     This was my second post on Rescue Me!!! I love this site! Thank you so much.. I have a rescue here, Spay It Forward!! There are so many abandoned dogs, full breed and mixed along the border here. It makes me so happy to move them away from here. I am a true believer in this site. You will get an adoption form from me when you inquire about the dogs we rescue. Then we will do background checks as needed. Thank you Rescue Me! I will soon post another Golden Retriever and a Bassett hound!

Sender: Julie Martin     Date: May 30, 2016 _
     I posted my golden/collie mix and had 12 applications within two weeks from both close by and far away. A wonderful rescue, Summit Dog, also contacted me so I had a wonderful back up option also and they were so flexible to work with. Hans ended up going to a great young couple who live close by and we know with their lifestyle it was the best fit for him. We got him from a shelter where he was so frightened that he would not come to meet anyone so we got him out socialized him with our kids and dogs and got him ready for a great home. I am so grateful for this site, only wonderful people contacted us and it was a very positive experience. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Tom Taylor     Date: March 9, 2016 _
     This the seventh dog the Lord has sent me to care for. He is the biggest Golden I've ever seen. He is a gentle and affectionate boy. I know he will be happy here with my other three dogs. Thanks, Rescue Me.

Sender: Rhoda Barlow     Date: January 30, 2016 _
     BamBam was adopted by a loving and caring family. He will want for nothing, and will live a very happy life. His new family has two girls that will love and play with him. I am so lucky that Rescue Me allowed for me to post BamBam. His new mom has already taught him that going bye bye is so much fun. I could not ask for a better family to adopt him. Thank you again for helping us find a new forever home for BamBam.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue

Sender: Felicia Neeley     Date: January 26, 2016 _
     Thanks to Rescue Me, we were able to find a fabulous new home for our beloved family dog. We were contacted by a couple in our town, who took the time to get to know our dog before adopting him.

Sender: Barbara Wilder     Date: January 21, 2016 _
     My female English Cream Golden Retriever, 'Lilly', was adopted by a wonderful family. I am so happy that my beautiful princess found lovely family who has more time for her to pamper and spoiled her. I miss her because she was such a good girl, but with the long hours I work, I am content knowing she got the all attention she deserve. The Rescue My site is helpful and safe I will never, ever use Craiglist to post any pet to rehome. Thank you! - B. Wilder

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Sender: Jennifer Cothern     Date: June 29, 2015 _
     Sweet Penny Lane finally found her forever home, thanks to the interest generated from Rescue Me! She has gained a new sister and two wonderful parents who adore her. Fostering Penny Lane for eight months was a joy as she was a wonderful, loving pup. We tried several other adoption routes and she just didn't get interest at adoption showings. I posted her on Rescue Me and had over a dozen calls within 48 hours. We knew we found the right fit with the Snyder family. They were willing and able to answer all our questions and sign an adoption contract. We couldn't have found Penny Lane's happily ever after without the help of Rescue Me!

Sender: Sharon Becker     Date: June 14, 2015 _
     The gentleman that adopted Ellie will be picking her up on Thursday I am told. I did have four different people call me regarding Ellie through Rescue Me, one of which is actually taking her.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Jaimie Elorriaga     Date: May 27, 2015 _
     After being contacted by over a dozen people, there was finally one man who was up to the task and deserving of this special dog! It took a lot of patience. Many people asked how old he was and were interested, but upon hearing his age, never even replied back to say he wasn't the right match for them. Well, obviously they weren't the right match for HIM! I believe everything happens for a reason and today Nick is with the family, he is supposed to be with, loved and spoiled every day. Thanks Rescue Me!

Sender: Karen Arey     Date: May 2, 2015 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me. We adopted Kimmie today. She's doing well- she's such a sweetie!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue

Sender: Barb Flanigan     Date: April 8, 2015 _
     Goldie found a very nice home and is doing very well there. She is such a good natured dog! Thank you Rescue Me for spreading the word about her and thank you to all of the wonderful people who inquired about her.

Sender: Angi Wise     Date: March 27, 2015 _
     Charlie came to us as a rescued pup. I was really worried about adopting him out. Would he get the family that was right for him? Would they love him or would they ignore everything I wrote that he needed in his forever family? Would they be patient with him and tending to his needs, realizing that he, though BIG, was really still a puppy with lots of energy!!! Well, someone actually listened! Rick walked in the door and Charlie treated him as if they had been best buds since day one! Loving all over him and showing him all the tricks he knew! Charlie was willing to go home with him for an overnight visit (to see how things would go). One night turned into the week and they love each other! Rick sent me pictures and video all week long of a super happy dog! Rick also sent a picture of the treadmill, he bought for himself so he can get into shape to keep up with Charlie! This was the first rescue that I felt I needed to find a better home for. I work too much to have the time Charlie needed from me. It broke my heart to see him go but I know he is with the best family any dog could have. Rescue Me allowed me to pick who I thought would be best for Charlie. I never even knew the site existed until last week when a friend told me about it! I am so thankful for the stress that has been lifted from my shoulders! Thank you Rescue Me and Rick!!

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Sender: Stan Unrue     Date: March 15, 2015 _
     My name is Stan and I have been looking on Rescue Me for a while and finally found a dog that was a fit for me. The staff and volunteers at the rescue were very helpful in setting up the time to pick Reina up. I am thankful for all involved. -Stan

Sender: Amara Weiss     Date: March 2, 2015 _
     Marley the puppy was adopted by a wonderful family who will love him! Marley is very happy now, and he won't be a poor neglected puppy/dog on the street, homeless and lonely. Mr. Marley has an amazing life ahead of him now that he's been given a second chance! Thank you, Rescue Me.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Martha Bloom     Date: March 1, 2015 _
     Through no fault of her own, Maggie needed a new home. She flew half way across country and was adopted in less than a day to a wonderful loving family. Thank you, Rescue Me, for rescuing Maggie from a stressful situation. Life is great!

Sender: Basia Wilder     Date: February 8, 2015 _
     We have long time experience with Goldens and since we have no kids we wanted more than just one in our home. We have three males, but still were looking for the perfect girl for us on this site till we found Gracie. They are all getting along beautifully. Our youngest fell in love instantly with Gracie, who also became his perfect playmate to keep up with him. Gracie is so playful, beautiful and so smart she quick learn the house rules, but as a female, she is the alpha she wants to be served first and it's amazing how quick the boys learn to patiently wait till Gracie get what she wants first. We are proud to have her and feel like a winner chosen as a new parents for her. Thanks to Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue

Sender: Linda Cranmer`     Date: January 29, 2015 _
     We lost our 12 year old Golden two weeks ago, and she was my world. I had no doubt I wanted another one to be a playmate, for our two year old Chocolate Lab, Molly. I was already registered with TGRR, but the wait may have been long as they had more applicants than dogs. Something just made me decide to look around some more, and I came across Rescue Me. It had all the pictures and write ups about each of the dogs, which was great. As I scrolled down to the bottom of the page, I saw Cheddar standing by the tree. He is exactly what I was looking for, and so cute. I fell instantly in love, and just knew that he was the dog for me. He was male, the age range I was looking for, and beautiful, which my Ginger was. Of course she was ascended from a dog show bloodline. I wanted a mix this time, though; as they often have fewer health issues than the purebreds do. Well, I called Brandy... And we spoke on the phone a few times, and we plan to meet. If all works like it should, we take him home this weekend. Hooray!!! Thank you folks for putting a terrific site out there for people searching out a dog. Well done. PS. Cheddar will love the lake. Sincerely, Linda

Sender: Zenaida Ucharm     Date: January 18, 2015 _
     I would like take this opportunity and personally thank Rescue Me for helping me find a new home and new owners for my dog. However, there were a lot of people who were very much interested in adopting my dog and I thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart. Your thoughts and interests are highly appreciated and I am in debt for all of it.. However, I found the Wilkerson Family, met them with my dog and they love her.. We went ahead and went through the process and they adopted my Kuma. They're very loving, kind and down to earth family who were willing to take Kuma and made her a part of their family. I am blessed because of their sincerity and wise judgement my dog has a beautiful home and a family that will care, love her and give all the attention that she needs.. Not only she gained a family and a good home, but she also gained a seven year old cat brother and they get along just fine. I thank you all so much and God bless you all.

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Sender: Patricia Herzog     Date: December 17, 2014 _
     This puppy and all other eight brothers and sisters have good permanent homes with very caring people. It is only because of this Rescue Me pet adoption site. The site has been so helpful and we had requests from all over, and we have had awesome experiences and success with finding good adopters and homes for all the puppies!! We are very pleased! Thank you, Rescue Me!! I will recommend this site for pet adoption, for posting a pet, and giving people high praise for this Rescue Me site as well as sending donations!!

Sender: Patricia Herzog     Date: December 11, 2014 _
     Five of our puppies found new homes thanks to Rescue me!! We are all happy! I will recommend this site and ask them to send donations!! Thank you all!!!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Harry Greene     Date: November 14, 2014 _
     Ella went to a good home about 30 miles from my home. Thanks, Rescue Me and all.

Sender: Debbie Bradshaw     Date: November 7, 2014 _
     Our young female pup has OCD and it requires a very expensive surgery to correct the problem. A wonderful organization, Montana Golden Retriever Rescue, was more that willing to put her in their program and get her the needed help. They drove over 600 miles round-trip to get her and help her. So many people responded to the post, it made me cry all morning that so many angels are out there to help. I will be forever grateful to Rescue Me for providing the much sought after help for our precious 'Katniss'! When she is well from the surgery, she will be placed in a wonderful home and have a great life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for such a wonderful organization!! Forever in our hearts, Katniss!!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue

Sender: Caitlyn Kirkpatrick     Date: October 30, 2014 _
     Rescue Me made finding a home for Samson so easy! We had several people respond to his post and he was adopted within four days. The best part about Rescue Me was that the people who were interested in Samson really had a heart to rescue and not just buy a dog. They really just wanted to give a dog a chance at life; we had a really great experience using this website. I am so so thankful that we found a loving home for our dog.

Sender: Sandy Neuber     Date: September 22, 2014 _
     Thanks to Rescue Me, I was able to find a good home for my Golden. She went to a nice family. They contacted me through your site and drove four hours to see her.

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Sender: Stephanie West     Date: September 2, 2014 _
     Henry has a wonderful, new, forever family. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Sender: Melissa Martinez     Date: August 27, 2014 _
     I just want to thank you for this wonderful site! I rescued two physically abused dogs from the same home. Bear, the first dog I posted ended up finding a home through a flyer I posted at our local vet's office, but I have also received many leads from your site. Baby just went to her forever home last night and her new humans contacted me through Rescue Me! She loves her new mom and dad, despite being scared of most men, she took to her new dad very quickly! It was the first man that didn't take weeks to warm up to! Her new mom has experience with abused pups and knows what it takes to bring them back around! I am very happy with the turn out for her! Thank you so much, Rescue Me! I will be sharing this site with everyone I know!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Tammy Kaplan     Date: August 26, 2014 _
     We were so sad to have to make the decision to give our puppy away. I was overwhelmed by how quickly I was getting emails and calls- within an hour of the posting going online. I submitted it yesterday afternoon and my Milky Way is in her new home already (less than 24 hours). I can't thank Rescue Me enough and I feel fortunate to have had such a great experience with such a difficult decision. Thank you!!!

Sender: James Warner     Date: July 11, 2014 _
     Rescue Me helped find a home for Melody, our ten year old Golden. I am being mobilized as a military reservist and Rescue Me rescued me. Through your post, Melody has found a home within a few days. Many thanks to all.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue

Sender: Harvey Robinson     Date: June 1, 2014 _
     Very, very good response through Rescue Me. Found a good home to keep Buddy. Recommend this for anyone wanting a permanent or temporary home for their Golden Retriever.

Sender: Paul Hejmanowski     Date: March 11, 2014 _
     We were so blessed to have adopted a beautiful Golden named Prince. My wife and I lost our prior Golden, Jagger, after 14 years of being a family. We waited six months before we started looking for a rescue/adopted dog and were very fortunate we found Rescue Me! The parents of Prince were wonderful and caring and obviously provided a great home for him. Due to several moves in a short time and a pending move possibly out of the country, they decided to find a life time home for their boy. We live in a great area with many ponds and open space full of Canadian geese and deer. It won't be long before Prince is swimming and 'playing' with the geese. I want to thank Jeff Gold and the awesome parents for helping us find our four legged son. I will surely spread the news to others looking to adopt or offer their pets for adoption, or volunteer or contribute! Regards, Paul

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Sender: Sarah Vicich     Date: January 19, 2014 _
     I had immediate responses to my post on Rescue Me! Over 100 families wanted to adopt her, so it took me a while to decide, and Bella went to a good home. Thank you for this website, and helping me rehome my best friend!

Sender: June Reis     Date: November 8, 2013 _
     We brought Fiona home when my husband, Scott, learned Fiona had been abandoned when her human family moved away. She was still staying at the abandoned trailer, scavenging for food, and very lonely. She was skittish, and it took three days to coax her to the porch at our place once Scott brought her home. After a month and a half, she became very active and outgoing. I posted Fiona on Rescue Me! and received three calls over the course of a few weeks, and found a new home for Fiona with a loving couple. She is now in her forever home! Thanks, Rescue Me! I am posting other found dogs on your site so that we can give them a chance at a loving, forever home, too!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Connie Miller     Date: October 26, 2013 _
     Goldie got her forever home today, a great family from South Bend, Indiana. Rescue Me! has been a wonderful medium for folks looking for a great family dog connection. Thank you.

Sender: Cathy Shine     Date: October 17, 2013 _
     The Golden Retriever Rescue of the Rockies contacted me and wanted to help Gus out. They were so wonderful. They took him immediately, had a doctor look at Gus, got him started on the proper medication, found him a foster home, and now a forever family. They were wonderful and I wish I could repay them somehow. I miss Gus so much bit feel comforted knowing that he has a family who will love and care for him.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue

Sender: Carol Trinder     Date: October 13, 2013 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me!, for helping Tessa find her new home. Tessa had several transition visits before she went to her new home to stay. On one of these visits, I asked Tessa if she would like to stay. She actually danced in circles around her new owner and didn't want to leave with me that evening. I realized then that I was making the right decision. Although it was very difficult for me to part with her, I was happy for Tessa to start another chapter in her life. I encourage families to take the time to interview prospective new owners, and transition their dog to the new home, to insure that it is not only the previous and new owner's choice, but that of the pet involved.

Sender: Chad Dailey     Date: September 19, 2013 _
     Thank you so much, Rescue Me!, for helping us find our Golden Retriever a loving home! We are absolutely thrilled with the new family that adopted her and couldn't have asked for anything better!

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Sender: Marc Jacobsen     Date: August 18, 2013 _
     HI Jeff, Maggie was adopted by a wonderful family this afternoon and my heart can rest easy knowing she is in a loving home. They have a long history with Goldens and are clearly true dog lovers. Rest assured that with the amazing experience I have had with the Rescue Me! organization I will be making regular donations to help owners re-home their pets, and for dog lovers looking for a good pet to find one. Thank you again for making this very emotional experience easier and for the wonderful home and family that I know Maggie has now. Very best regards, Marc

Sender: Amanda Krintz     Date: August 7, 2013 _
     Oliver found a new home. Amanda Krintz

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Pamela Barrios     Date: July 25, 2013 _
     Max came to me by a owner who didn't want to 'deal' with him anymore. What is worse, he came to me with flesh wounds that were supposedly treated but looked to be in very bad shape. The owner was keeping Max outside, tied up in the heat which was not allowing him to heal. I immediately took Max, got him the surgery he needed, and posted him to see if I could find a good home for him. After healing and resting for two weeks, Max found a home and was ready to go to his forever home. He is now happily enjoying his life with his new brother Duke.

Sender: David Kuhns     Date: July 12, 2013 _
     Our Golden Retriever has a new home! Thanks, David Kuhns

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue

Sender: Thomas Coon     Date: June 24, 2013 _
     Dear Jeff and Rescue Me!, I want to thank you for your help in finding a new wonderful home for our Abbie! Your site put us in contact with so many wonderful loving people who really love Goldens and all animals! Abbie is with her new owner less than 10 miles from our home, and is with a another senior dog. The new owner is a blessing and is truly the perfect match for Abbie! Thank you again, and I will be sure to recommend your site in the future! Keep up the great work!!

Sender: Chelsea Gaines     Date: June 15, 2013 _
     Goldie got adopted yesterday! Sincerely, Chelsea Gaines

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Sender: Pamela Plunkett     Date: April 22, 2013 _
     Rescue Me! was amazing to get people interested in my dog adopted after I posted it. It was so much faster than I expected! I found a good home for Penny, it settled my peace, though I do miss her dearly.

Sender: Krystal Covington     Date: April 15, 2013 _
     Dear Jeff, Thank you so much for your wonderful Rescue Me site! Our little Casey found a loving forever home because of you!! God Bless you. :)

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Sandra Cross     Date: March 24, 2013 _
     Sheba found a wonderful and loving home with a lady who recently lost her Golden Retriever.

Sender: Kathy Cox     Date: March 12, 2013 _
     When my dogs alerted me to Sally's presence at the end of my driveway one evening when we had 14' of fresh snow on the ground, I knew I had seen her before. I phoned her owners and found that they had moved to town and left her alone at their farm. She was so cold and lonely! They and I agreed that she needed a new home. I took her in and my dogs welcomed her into our warm living room. As sweet and wonderful as she is, I knew I couldn't keep a third dog, so I called upon Rescue Me! for help. I immediately started getting calls from the nicest Golden Retriever lovers. Donna and Cathy had lost their Golden to cancer last fall. I knew immediately that I had found the right family for Sally! She will now have the wonderful life she deserves. Thanks so much, Rescue Me, Donna and Cathy!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue

Sender: Nikki W     Date: March 2, 2013 _
     Sockeye was adopted by a wonderful, understanding, kind and loving woman. There were many inquiries but none touched my heart as much as this woman who I allowed to adopt my baby boy. I am at peace and I know in my heart that my beloved baby boy will be happy, loved and cared for and spoiled as much as I have loved him. Thank you so much for Rescue Me! I would not have found my baby's new mommy without your help. I will be making donations and asking others to do the same. Thank you, again, Nikki and Sockeye

Sender: Lynn Weldon     Date: January 26, 2013 _
     Within minutes of posting Daisy we had numerous responses from very kind and personable people. I am happy to say she was adopted to a wonderful lady, 2 days after being posted. She is going to a wonderful new home and we couldn't be happier for her!!! Thank you so much for allowing us to help Daisy find a new home. Lynn Weldon

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Sender: Barbara Peets     Date: January 10, 2013 _
     Rescue Me! found the most wonderful home for Cappy. In the years (5+) I've lived here in Tennessee this is by far the best home I've found for one of my dogs. She is settling in well and is already loved by her new 'Mom'. I am so thankful to Rescue Me! for letting me post her on your site.

Sender: Barbara Peets     Date: January 7, 2013 _
     Cappy went to her new home on Saturday, Jan. 5, 2013. She will enjoy the life she deserves in her forever home with Patti. Patti and her friend, Mike came to meet and visit with Mike's dog friend, Bear. Cappy and Bear hit it off immediately. Patti is a real dog person. She will make Cappy a part of her household and I'm so glad that Rescue Me! connected Cappy with such a great home. She gets to sleep inside, has a lovely fenced yard to roam in and dog friends as both neighbors and regular visitors. Thank you, Rescue Me.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Sherri Tan     Date: October 30, 2012 _
     I'm soooo glad I found rescue me...... I found a perfect home for my much loved puppy. It was a very difficult decision to let her go. We had several immediate very serious inquiries and believe we found the perfect couple for her to grow old with and to keep her safe, active and ridiculously happy! Thank you rescue me and thank you Siggy for taking my princess as a princess of your own! We will miss her, but know she is in good hands!

Sender: Erica Danielson     Date: October 28, 2012 _
     Maggie was my brother's family dog since she was 8 weeks old. With four kids Maggie was a perfect indoor family dog for the past 4 years. After my brother recently lost his house it was devastating for the family to see Maggie go. I took Maggie in for the sake of finding her a permanent loving family. Rescue Me! was incredibly easy for me to post Maggie's story and to receive many interested dog lovers. I was so thankful for the positive interest in Maggie. She found a really loving home which was comforting in a sad situation. This website was so helpful in finding Maggie the perfect new family.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue

Sender: Michelle Colling     Date: September 2, 2012 _
     Within one week of posting Butter on your website Butter was adopted. Thank you so much for creating this website. I hope that other people have the same success that we had. Butter's new family was a perfect fit for him. I hope they enjoy him as much as we did. We were so very blessed to find such a great family to adopt our great and fabulous Butter!!!

Sender: Janna Mcdaniel     Date: July 17, 2012 _
     I got replies right away after I listed my Golden Retriever on RescueMe.Org! We had her adopted within days. Thank you for your help!!

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Sender: Cheryl Harris     Date: June 25, 2012 _
     Cacey was adopted this weekend by a couple from Idaho Falls. They had owned Golden Retrievers in the past and wanted a older one for their small children. I had several inquiries (even, out of state) but was really looking for a family who didn't have any other pets since Cacey is used to being the only pet. I heard this morning that she is doing great! Thank you Rescue Me!!!

Sender: Sharon Veronneau     Date: June 25, 2012 _
     Keagan is happily ensconced in his new forever home in NY state.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Cherie Hall     Date: June 24, 2012 _
     I am so glad that I posted Rex on this rescue site. Our family knew we were not giving our Golden the attention he deserved so we posted him here. Now Rex has a new home with a great family. I feel so happy to know he now has the home he deserves. Thanks Rescue Me!!!

Sender: Teri Salas     Date: May 30, 2012 _
     Hello, I had an eye opening experience with the Rescue Me site. I posted my beloved Gus that we hated giving up. We put house up for sale thinking we would be moving out of state right away. Wow, we had a buyer and also had an emergency change of plans. Now, we aren't moving as soon as we thought. We looked and looked for a place to rent that we could take Gus, but to no avail. My neighbor said she would love to have him. With a week and a half before we need to be out of the house, she had to back out. I posted the information and within 45 minutes I had a home for Gus. Outstanding! He now has a wonderful home with several playmates. Our family thanks you Jeff for your site! Teri Salas

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue

Sender: Sarah F.     Date: May 1, 2012 _
     Thanks to Rescue Me!, we were able to find a good home for both Randy and Oso!!! I am so thankful this site led us to a family who really fell in love with both of them and adopted them together. It is such a relief to know they will be well taken care of, and it has allowed us to focus more time on our other rescue dogs and finding good homes for them as well.

Sender: Minkuk Kim     Date: April 27, 2012 _
     I had posted my goldie for adoption in other website without success for three weeks and when I posted here, everyone who replied for adoption had experience having goldie which was great plus. And in few days, my goldie had great new home. Thank you

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue

Sender: Carolyn Slattery     Date: April 5, 2012 _
     I found Lucy a lovely home with a woman who owns the Country Inn Pet Resort & Spa. She has a beautiful home on five acres with the Pet Resort on site. She really liked Lucy, and introduced her to her other dog and they got along very well. I am very happy that I was able to find Lucy such a good home. She will spend time all day with the owner when she is working and will get to stay in her home at night and will finally get the love and attention she deserves. I will be happy to make a donation to Rescue Me! to help other dogs get a chance at a good life as well. Thank you!

Sender: Shawn Brown     Date: March 30, 2012 _
     We had several responses once I posted our one-year old golden retriever. I was able to find him a very good, loving home. As hard as it was to give him up, knowing he is in a good home makes a big difference. Thank you so much for making this easier on our family and for giving someone else an opportunity to adopt a beautiful, wonderful dog. Sincerely, The Brown Family

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Maria Waltz     Date: March 25, 2012 _
     Prince's owners surrendered him due to to a divorce. I believe he was on this site for no more than 3 days and we found a forever home for him with a retired couple. The gentlemen stays home all day and has lots of time to work with this precious dog that is love starved. Yay!! I couldn't have found a better match. Thanks RescueMe.Org!

Sender: Joan Gidzinski     Date: March 5, 2012 _
     RescueMe.Org is a very professional site that has helped me place dogs in wonderful homes! Thank you. Joan Gidzinski

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue

Sender: Susan Mccollegan     Date: January 13, 2012 _
     Thanks so much for your website. I was able to place my Golden in a very short time and had several interested parties so I didn't feel like I had to place her with the first people who called. I found the website to be very easy to use yet also secure. Thanks again! Susan McCollegan

Sender: Linda Duncan     Date: December 20, 2011 _
     Eli was adopted. It was truly a great experience and he found a very loving home. Linda

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue

Sender: Monica Ell     Date: December 19, 2011 _
     I found a home for Izzy rapidly and received over 12 calls after she was adopted. I appreciate your help in finding Izzy a new home. Thank you, Monica Ward

Sender: John Rodriguez     Date: December 19, 2011 _
     Jeff, I have used your site twice with great results when trying to find new homes for dogs in need Regards John Rodriguez

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Arianna Garcia     Date: December 12, 2011 _
     Good experience with your site. Found the perfect person -- very nice lady, 2 kids, loss a dog and wanted a similar one. She too had been looking for the 'right' match, so particular also. Thank you so very much and a joyous holiday season! Arianna

Sender: Sean Griffin     Date: November 18, 2011 _
     I was so impressed with Rescue Me. I found it easy to post my add and found a wonderful new home for our pet in a matter of days. Thanks for making a tough decision a little easier. -Sean

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue

Sender: Amber Mccrory     Date: November 14, 2011 _
     We found Abby a great home that promises to take care of her and send us some pictures. :) All in a few days time. We feel great about the family and they have been looking for the right adult female retriever for a few years. This is a great organization. Thanks you so much! Amber McCrory

Sender: Suzy Sledge     Date: October 4, 2011 _
     Jeff, Prinz has moved to his new home and they found him through your site after 1 day. I'm extremely grateful for you because I was getting nervous & desperate. He's very happy, it turned out quite well. I found your site very user friendly and surprisingly useful. I really didn't expect to get any calls from it... turns out its the only place I did get a response. Thank you very much, Suzy Sledge

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue

Sender: Kerry Easton     Date: October 4, 2011 _
     Hi Jeff, Ginger did get adopted and I am so grateful to your website! Thank you! I have been wishing I could find a good home for her for sometime now and had I known that it would be so easy and fast, I would have done it much sooner! Your website is easy to use and I got all kinds of made me wish I had a dog for each response....Its so neat to hear from people that are anxious to give a loving home to pets. I am relieved and thrilled that Ginger will be well cared for and I can move on to other pressing matters! Thank you, thank you! Kerry Thomason-Easton

Sender: Maria Duffie     Date: September 26, 2011 _
     Scooter was adopted today by a family with a large farm , so he can run free & be happy! We are extremely pleased with our RescueMe.Org experience. It's wonderful to have peace of mind that he went to a good home and not to a shelter. It was a blessing that we found your website, I would recommend it to anyone that has a pet problem. It was a painful decision to let him go, but it was a comfort to be contacted by so many people who love dogs and wanted to give him a home. Thank you, Maria Duffie

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Marylou Trammell     Date: September 18, 2011 _
     Mr. Gold, This is a very sad, but happy day to find a great home for Cassie! It was through your website that I was able to achieve this accomplishment. Cass was an older girl (7 years old) and very much loved. Had it not been for my losing my job, needing to move in with my daughter and family and finding my 7 year old granddaughter broke out in hives from an allergy to dogs I wouldn't have gone through such a sad affair. I will say, your website helped make this transition very helpful and there was no lingering trying to find the most suitable home for her. I found your website was very people friendly too. Thank you so much! Mary Lou Trammell

Sender: Peggy Lanigan     Date: August 24, 2011 _
     Hi, I'm thrilled we found 'Lassie' through Rescue Me. We've had her for four days now and she's fitting in very well. Our pets - dogs, cats, rabbits, etc. have all been rescues. We've worked with several different agencies. There are so many pets in need of a home that buying one didn't make any sense at all to us. All of them have been badly abused. Lassie is different. Her owner has to move into an apartment and can't have a dog over 15 pounds. She was heartbroken to have to give her up. We've promised to keep in touch and send pictures, etc. We recently lost two dogs of our own. Both were Shar Pei rescues. One. Shenandoah, had been neglected mostly but the other one, Shadow, had been badly abused. Like all of our animals they were sweet and loving. Shadow was only with us for eight years, but we had Shenandoah for nearly thirteen - still not nearly long enough! We had been looking to try and fill the hole in our hearts. Most rescue agencies charge a fee for adoption. It's deserved and necessary for the agency's survival. Without money they can't continue to rescue. We realize that, but we moved recently and suffered the loss of most of our belongings. Then, after only a few months, the company we'd relocated for closed. Our funds are a little low. But, a friend emailed me the link to Rescue Me, so I registered. A couple of days later Lassie was listed. We emailed and called her owner and even though she was 300 miles away, we knew we wanted her. Thank you for making it possible for us to find our new Lass. Again, thank you for making it possible for us to connect with Lassie. She's become an important part of our family. Sincerely, Peggy Lanigan

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue

Sender: Mary Chabrian     Date: August 23, 2011 _
     Jeff - I think what you are doing is WONDERFUL!! From one dog lover to another --- THANK YOU!! Regards, - Mary Chabrian

Sender: Loyd Taylor     Date: August 16, 2011 _
     Good morning Jeff Thank you so very much for your web site. I found it to be the perfect tool to find a loving home for my good friend and companion, 'Missy.' The couple who took her were very sweet and I just know she is in good hands. Due to my happy experience, I have also posted a sweet little Cocker Spaniel, named Oreo. He is a dog I took from his owners to help find a good home. Based on the great success with Missy I know I will have great success with Oreo. Thank you again for being a friend to man's greatest friend. I have attached a poem I wrote about my Missy-Girl. If you enjoy it, please feel free to share it... Thanks again, Loyd Taylor --- What I Miss Most --- Whether it's her cold nose on my face or the wet tongue on my hand, Whether it's the nudge for a pet, or the gentle looking eyes while lying quietly at my feet, Whether it's the cute tricks, the slobbering kisses or the strong protective bark� Now that she's gone, I guess in the end, I miss her companionship most. Goodbye old friend. Written by Loyd C Taylor, December 6, 2010

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Sender: Richard Best     Date: August 6, 2011 _
     Dear Jeff, Brodie found a home with a young couple and their 10-year-old daughter, and they all fell in love with Brodie right off. My wife and I both think we couldn't have found a better home for him. I really appreciate all the good - and hard - work you guys do with the various rescue groups. Thanks again for your interest. Rick Best

Sender: Marquita Waters     Date: July 21, 2011 _
     Jeff, Thank you for your e-mail. Big Red was running around our complex and no one was caring. I finally got him in and safe. I don't know how I found your site but it was quick and easy to use and a relief to know Big Red was being seen by people right away. Have a blessed day!!! Marquita Marquita Waters

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Brittany Shachmut     Date: July 21, 2011 _
     Dear Jeff, Both Romeo and Luna found a new home, together! I am very pleased but will miss them dearly. I appreciate the user-friendly capabilities of your site and thank you for allowing me to post their profiles. Regards, Brittany

Sender: Shannon Bajoyo     Date: July 17, 2011 _ worked wonders in helping us find a forever home for Teddy! He was adopted today by a wonderful family whom I feel will love him dearly and give him the proper care he needed & deserved. I am grateful for so the search could be wider for someone interested in a particular breed. It also did not take very long for someone to respond to our ad. I was reluctant at first since I had been getting strange, spam emails from other sites. Thank you! -Shannon

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Golden Retriever Rescue

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